Innovative Price Benchmark attracts savvy software customers and consultants

Peter Wesche October 23, 2014

While extending their offering to more vendor coverage, License12® sheds new light to the year-end vendor talks or actual software procurement negotiations. The price-benchmark data base has been enriched with 40% more data and is now capable to deliver crucial comparisons for the leading software vendors. Based on customer context data, the analysis can be derived ad-hoc. To attract even more customers, License12 has disclosed a special offer: Until Christmas, the access and use of ‘QuickBenchmark®’, the ‘light’ version of the License12® price benchmark without a full contract scan, will be free of charge for new customers and prospects. What does this mean for you?

Part of QuickBenchmark: Intuitive graphics

Part of QuickBenchmark: Intuitive graphics

  • Customers can experience QuickBenchmark® in production without cost  and gain an understanding of License12 Benchmarks.
  • They may perform peer comparisons with current proposal data and check if there is room for further negotiations.
  • They can register for a personalized sand box, filled with demo data, to test the extended functionalities associated with contract data, in particular the analytics of ContractCompass®.

Gaining acces to the benchmark is quite easy: A button on the homepage License12 leads to short peer selection and generates a PDF that is sent to the requester’s eMail with all relevant contextual information! There is further information on the Q&A of QuickBenchmark®.

Neuartiger Preisbenchmark attraktiv für aufmerksame Kunden und Berater

Peter Wesche

Mit der Ausweitung Ihres Angebots auf weitere Vendoren setzt License12® neue Zeichen für die Jahresendgespräche oder aktuelle Softwareeinkäufe. Die Preisbenchmark-Datenbank wurde jüngst um 40% erweitert und liefert jetzt zu den wichtigsten Softwarelieferanten add-hoc Analysen für den Kontext des Kunden. Zur Neukundengewinnung setzt License12 allerdings noch einen drauf: Bis Weihnachten soll der Zugriff auf den ‘QuickBenchmark®’, der Kurzfassung des License12®-Preisbenchmarks ohne volle Vertragsanalyse, für Interessenten kostenlos zugänglich sein. Was bedeutet dies?

Part of QuickBenchmark: Intuitive graphics

Part of QuickBenchmark: Intuitive graphics

  • Kunden können den QuickBenchmark® produktiv gebührenfrei ausloten und die Arbeitsweise der License12 Benchmarks kennen lernen.
  • Sie können konkrete Angebotsdaten auf der Summenebene verproben und sich so vergewissern, ob noch Spielraum für weitergehende Verhandlungen besteht.
  • Sie können sich ein kostenloses Demokonto einrichten lassen, um anhand von ‘Spieldaten’ die erweiterte Funktionalität, insbesondere die Analysen des ContractCompass®, zu testen.

Der Zugang zum Benchmark ist denkbar einfach: Ein Button auf der Startseite von License12 erlaubt die Benchmark-Peerselektion und generiert nach Angabe der Adresse ein PDF mit allen wichtigen Information zum Kontext! Wertvolle Informationen liefert auch die Q&A-Seite zum QuickBenchmark®.

New approaches to software licensing savings: Whitepaper

Peter Wesche January 8, 2013

You might be looking for a comprehensive collection of best practice related to licensing optimization. After searching the market myself, I have decided to add a Whitepaper called

What you should know about software licenses … but didn’t realize until today.

Yes, it is about discovering the bumps in the road to optimal licensing. And for the first time, we start right at the beginning, at the license procurement negotiation. Because it is the origin of all troubles later …

Available both in German and English:



Software price benchmark now on the web

Peter Wesche November 2, 2012

For the first time, a web-based service allows procurement professionals to rate the competitiveness of a proposal. After providing a few parameters, License12 builds a benchmark study within seconds and provides it online or as a PDF download. The service is called QuickBenchmark™ and a nominal flat fee is charged in a typical e-transaction via credit card. No other registration or software installation is needed.

What does it mean for closing a software transaction?

Buyers of software are no longer exposed to the lack of transparency that complicated models of the big vendors have caused over years. By region and industry, user organizations can make sure they are getting a competitive offer. Even amidst of negotiation, in a break, the buyer can use his internet connectivity to see where he stands and what additional effort might maximize his benefit.

Currently, QuickBenchmark supports Oracle and SAP, further vendors will be added shortly according to the provider.

How to save most from your software compliance problem?

Peter Wesche September 13, 2012

When talking about cost risk in software, many deplore the compliance problem being escalated by ever more complex licensing rules invented by the big vendors. In early days, you only had to count your users and look at the total you had licensed.

Experienced CIOs ask the question how to best circumvent the issue and to define a strategy that goes right to the point: the vendor’s hunger for revenue. They know that multi-billion software giants need to feed a huge crowd of sales staff and come up with creative ideas how to ask for more money. While there is not much new problems solved by software, auditing has become particularly popular after the 2008 economic melt-down and is effecting all companies who do not define a strong methodoly to resist to such ideas.

We have found three components to get to the highest savings:

  1. Put new emphasis on the procurement effectiveness for better pricing to shield the baseline
    Get away from price-holds to price-dropping, from maintenance cap to maintenance freeze or decrease, from transfer injunctions to free resale of unused software. Besides such paradigms when looking at the terms, also optimize the real price by context-oriented benchmarking. Some providers, like License12, are even offering such capabilities via the web.
  2. Track your entitlements over time and be rigorous about license migrations for perpetual licenses
    Re-naming and re-bundling has become a standard vendor practice. What happens with the entitlements that were associated with the old products, are we sure we do not loose them? Looking closely, you often find no better functionality in the re-named items but it breaks your monitoring capabilities. Who in all honesty wants to keep track with such details? But it is not only for marketing, it is for printing money, because by re-naming you are more likely to buy more and re-license entitlements you already hold, e.g. by changing the metrics. When the vendor offers you to migrate existing licenses, be very careful about the return!
  3. Tackle the vendor compliance verification methodology
    Noone will question the vendor’s legitimate right to protect their intellectual property. But do vendors explain their intent when selling licenses at 10 different metrics in one transaction? What is the cost of ownership to keep tracking such licenses and is it fair to prescribe the monitoring vendor-based audit programs? And how about the confidentiality that may be at risk when running un-documented audit scripts? Who is auditing the auditors?

Cost-conscious CIOs should prepare their organizations to address these three tasks and to educate themselves in order to perform effectively with respect to the intense climate generated by software audits and their resolutions.

Require contract benchmark for lower license cost?

Peter Wesche August 13, 2012

Most software vendors have a confidentiality clause in their boilerplate agreements that do not allow the buyers to share the commercial terms of the agreement. This practice reduces the ability to benchmark a contract to the few in your community that might verbally share their recent deals, or to calling on an expensive professional service that might not provide you with the details you are searching.

Now, there is an out to this dilemma: Internet-based self-service benchmarks for software procurement, as provided by License12 since early summer 2012:

Buyers or software asset managers are making use of a contract repository that can serve as a common base for everyone in the organization, to have all transactions at hand and to plot it to more than 2500 procurement datapoints. The benchmarks can be adjusted with respect to size, industry and region, to create a market insight on transaction or even on product levels.